Refreshing Floppy Data



Is there a Windows program which will refresh (read/write) data on floppy
disks? I know that there was an MSDOS program called, REFRESH which did,
but I can't find a Windows version.

Thanks in advance,


howard schwartz

Depends on what you mean by `refresh'. If you mean a program like Scandisk that
checks files against FAT tables, overlapping clusters, physically bad clusters
and then tries to delete, recover, or write out problem data: Scandisk itself
will run on a floppy and do this for you.

There are programs that will copy all readable data to an image file. You can
then repair the disk or put the image data on another file, and can often
recover otherwise lost data that way.

There are also programs, like the freeware `revive' the run through floppies in
more sophistocated ways, sector by sector marking bad spots, trying to
retain and move data, and rewriting bad boot sectors, etc.

You can also use some kind of CRC signature program for all files that will
attempt to repair them from known check sums, if they get damaged, similar
to repairing files in a compressed archive.


Is there a Windows program which will refresh (read/write) data on floppy
disks? I know that there was an MSDOS program called, REFRESH which did,
but I can't find a Windows version.

Press F5 in Windows Explorer while browsing the floppy disk?

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