Refreshing DecimalSeparator in Excel 2000



Hello, I have problem at Win2k computer with Excel2000.
I want change by VBA and API DecimalSeparator: sometimes I need "," or "."
In Excel 2003 I make it internally by help new excel function:
Application.DecimalSeparator = "."

Unfortunately, in Excel 2000 it is possible ony by API and SetLocaleInfo and it
works but with refresh excel problem.
When I make it manually, Excel immediatelly changes DecimalSeparator.
When I make it programming I have to reopen excel again.....
Is it possible make it without reopen excel?


U¿ytkownik "Adax said:
Hello, I have problem at Win2k computer with Excel2000.
I want change by VBA and API DecimalSeparator: sometimes I need "," or "."
In Excel 2003 I make it internally by help new excel function:
Application.DecimalSeparator = "."
Unfortunately, in Excel 2000 it is possible ony by API and SetLocaleInfo and
it works but with refresh excel problem.
When I make it manually, Excel immediatelly changes DecimalSeparator.
When I make it programming I have to reopen excel again.....
Is it possible make it without reopen excel?

Who help me, please ?

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