Reflection Issue



I am moving over to C# from VB.NET and am having some problems replicating
functionality that I could do in VB.NET.

In VB.NET I used to use the code

Dim frm As Object
Dim frmType As Type
Dim SampleAssembly As [Assembly]

SampleAssembly = [Assembly].Load(strLibrary)

frmType = SampleAssembly.GetType(strLibrary & "." & strClass)
frm = Activator.CreateInstance(frmType)
frmType.InvokeMember("Show", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, frm, Nothing)

This would show a form (strClass) that existed in a dll library
(strLibrary), so long as the library was in the same folder as the
application. The key point was that the library was NOT included as a
referenced library in the application project - this is because I am using
the method in a generic menu system.

My question is that in C# when I use the code

object frm;
Type frmType;
Assembly SampleAssembly;

SampleAssembly = Assembly.Load(strLibrary);
frmType = SampleAssembly.GetType(strLibrary + "." + strClass);
frm = Activator.CreateInstance(frmType);


which I thought would do the same thing I find that it does not work unless
the strLibrary file is referenced into the application.....

What am I doing wrong in the C# code - how can I change it so that I DONT
have to reference in the library that contains the form I Want to run

Thanks all for you help in advance

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