Refering to a cell in the Header /Footer



Hope nobody minds me hijacking this thread.

It might get a better response here:


universal Is it possible somehow to also set the font and size so tha
it can match the settings I have for my Footer (which is set the sam
for every page).

Many Thanks


universal Ive just tried this for my own Header.

Is it possible somehow to also set the font and size so that it ca
match the settings I have for my Footer (which is set the same fo
every page).

Many Thanks


J.E. McGimpsey Put this in your ThisWorkbook code module (right-clic
on the
workbook title bar and choose View Code):

Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)
Dim wkSht As Worksheet
For Each wkSht In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
With wkSht
.PageSetup.LeftHeader = .Range("A1").Value
End With
Next wkSht
End Sub

you can substitute RightHeader or CenterHeader for LeftHeader.

SandyB said:
We want to put the worksheet title (from cell A1) into the
header automatically...any way to do that?
Formulas aren't working...
Inserting fields doesn't work...

Anything else I can try?


SandyB We want to put the worksheet title (from cell A1) into the
header automatically...any way to do that?
Formulas aren't working...
Inserting fields doesn't work...

Anything else I can try?


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