Referencing Tabs



Here is the formula that I have inputed; however I am still getting a #NUM!


I'm in the 'IRR' tab and am working in row 5, and I need to reference cells
in the 'Equity' tab. I need to reference Equity!E127, and then every 13th
row (in column e) after that. I would like to be able to drag this formula
(in the 'IRR' tab)across row 5 (in the IRR tab) and reference every 13th row
(in the Equity tab) in column E.

Thank you for the help!

Bernard Liengme

In A5 of Sheet1, I used =INDEX(Equity!$E:$E,127+(COLUMN()-1)*13)
I dragged this across the row and it gave me references to every 13th cell
in the other sheet.

Index for a single column needs INDEX(array, row-value), where row-value is
a number referring to the POSITION not the CELL REFERENCE within the array

Note the -1 is there since I started in column 1; if I start in column E
then I need -5
(The + in your formula is not needed)
best wishes


Thank you for the help Bernard. I almost have it.

My current formula in cell IRR!L7:
=INDEX(Equity!$E:$E,127+(COLUMN( )-5)*13)

I am in cell L7 of the IRR tab trying to reference cell E127 in the Equity
tab. Should the above formula reference the Equity!E127 cell correctly? I
would then like to drag this formula one column to the right and have it
reference automatically 13 rows below Equity!E127 (so IRR!M7 should reference

I would like to drag this formula to the right as far as necessary.

Thanks! We almost have it!

Bernard Liengme

If the formula is in column L then COLUMN value is 12
So the formula computes to INDEX(Equity!$E:$E,127+(12-5)*13)
Or INDEX(Equity!$E:$E,127+7*13) or INDEX(Equity!$E:$E, 218*13)

You want INDEX(Equity!$E:$E,127+(COLUMN()-12)*13) to get
INDEX(Equity!$E:$E,127+0*13) or

best wishes

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