Referencing Dataset row not Datagrid row



How do I reference the dataset row number for the data in the datagrid and
not the datagrid row itself when calling a function from the HTML?

When I am calling a function from a datagrid column as shown below I can use
'Container.ItemIndex' which refers to datagrid row number but I want the row
number of the dataset. If you implement paging then the row number of the
first row is the same no matter what page you are on which is not what I

In some events I believe it is e.item.itemindex that refers to the row
number of the dataset but I need to pass it from the HTML.

<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="FYC Potential">
<asp:Label id="Label2" runat="server" Text='<%#
fDetermineFYC(Container.ItemIndex) %>'>lblFYCPotential</asp:Label>

Karl Seguin

Someone might have a better suggestion, but you could always add an
autoincrementing datacolum to your table,

DataSet ds = getMyDataSet()
DataColumn dc = new DataColumn("RowId", typeof(System.Int32));
dc.AutoIncrement = true;
dc.AutoIncrementSeed = 1;
dc.AutoIncrementStep = 1;

And you can then using DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "RowId")


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