Referencing a DLL from code-behind


Mark Hageman

Newbie question: How can a dll be referenced from the code-behind for
an aspx page? I have the dll in the /bin directory, and have tried
using the line "Imports [dllname.dll]" in the code-behind, but I get a
compiler error message that the dll can't be found. This is a dll
that I did not create, and so I'm not sure how to determine what the
namespace is, if that's even what I need to do. I'm also trying to do
this without pre-compiling the code-behind, but that's not a
requirement. Thanks.


Imports allows to import "NameSpaces" not to reference DLL. AFAIK this is
actually done by the compiler.

What is your IDE ? (In VS.NET you'll add a reference to the DLL).


Ok, I finally saw the DLL is in /bin so AFAIK you shouldn't have to
reference the DLL.

You can see the classes with the class browser that comes with WebMatrix.
These classes are readily available.
The "Imports" statements will allow just to reference one of these classes
without having ot use its full name.


Mark Hageman

That makes sense; but now, when I try to invoke a method on the dll, I
get an "is not defined" error. Here's the code:

' MyFax.vb

Imports System
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports System.Web.UI.HTMLControls

Public Class MyFax
Inherits Page

Protected WithEvents btnSend as button

sub Button_Click( s as object, e as eventargs)
Dim objFaxDocument As New FAXCOMEXLib.FaxDocument
Dim objFaxServer As New FAXCOMEXLib.FaxServer
Dim objSender As FaxSender
Dim JobID As Variant

'Error handling
On Error GoTo Error_Handler

'Connect to the fax server
objFaxServer.Connect "[servername]"

'Set the fax body
objFaxDocument.Body = "c:\Docs\Body.txt"

'Name the document
objFaxDocument.DocumentName = "My First Fax"

'Set the fax priority
objFaxDocument.Priority = fptHIGH

'Add the recipient with the fax number
objFaxDocument.Recipients.Add "5551212", "Jon"

'Choose to attach the fax to the fax receipt
objFaxDocument.AttachFaxToReceipt = True

'Set the cover page type and the path to the cover page
objFaxDocument.CoverPageType = fcptSERVER
objFaxDocument.CoverPage = "generic"

'Provide the cover page note
objFaxDocument.Note = "Here is the info you requested"

'Provide the address for the fax receipt
objFaxDocument.ReceiptAddress = "(e-mail address removed)"

'Set the receipt type to email
objFaxDocument.ReceiptType = frtMAIL

'Specify that the fax is to be sent at a particular time
objFaxDocument.ScheduleType = fstSPECIFIC_TIME

'CDate converts the time to the Date data type
objFaxDocument.ScheduleTime = CDate("4:35:47 PM")

objFaxDocument.Subject = "Today's fax"

'Set the sender properties.
objFaxDocument.Sender.Title = "Mr."
objFaxDocument.Sender.Name = "Bob"
objFaxDocument.Sender.City = "Cleveland Heights"
objFaxDocument.Sender.State = "Ohio"
objFaxDocument.Sender.Company = "Microsoft"
objFaxDocument.Sender.Country = "USA"
objFaxDocument.Sender.Email = "(e-mail address removed)"
objFaxDocument.Sender.FaxNumber = "5551212"
objFaxDocument.Sender.HomePhone = "5551212"
objFaxDocument.Sender.OfficeLocation = "Downtown"
objFaxDocument.Sender.OfficePhone = "5551212"
objFaxDocument.Sender.StreetAddress = "123 Main Street"
objFaxDocument.Sender.TSID = "Office fax machine"
objFaxDocument.Sender.ZipCode = "44118"
objFaxDocument.Sender.BillingCode = "23A54"
objFaxDocument.Sender.Department = "Accts Payable"

'Save sender information as default

'Submit the document to the connected fax server
'and get back the job ID.

JobID = objFaxDocument.ConnectedSubmit(objFaxServer)

MsgBox "The Job ID is :" & JobID(0)
Exit Sub

'Implement error handling at the end of your subroutine. This
implementation is for demonstration purposes
MsgBox "Error number: " & Hex(Err.Number) & ", " & Err.Description
end sub
End Class

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