reference other worksheets via variable names



Is it possible to reference another worksheet by entering the name of that
worksheet in an input cell within the current worksheet and referencing this
cell within a function in the current worksheet.

example: current sheet name "Convert" cell C11 required to be = to cell H5
on another worksheet named either "word" or "report". The typical function
would be "=Word!H5" or "=Report!H5"

How do I make the "Word!" part of the above function a variable?

T. Valko

Try this:

A1 = Word


Note that H5 becomes an absolute reference.


Thanks, exactly what I asked for. The absolute cell reference will work.

Is there a quick way to change about 100 cells that currently reference
cells (not in any set order) in another worksheet with your formuala to use
the variable worksheet name but keep the same cell reference, like the H5.

T. Valko

Is there a quick way to change about 100 cells that currently reference
cells (not in any set order) in another worksheet with your formuala to use
the variable worksheet name but keep the same cell reference, like the H5.

Hmmm...not that I can think of.


Thanks for the help anyway. I thought the absolute reference would make it
difficult to quickly change all the cells.

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