Reference an Operator from a cell with Sumproduct



I am trying to reference a cell which one could key in the operator i.e. = or
or < or => etc....

I want my sumproduct formula to reference this cell and use the operator
instead of hardcoding the symbol inside. Essentially I want to let the user
choose the operator within the sumproduct formula.

Thanks in advance.


However, I need the = sign in a different cell that the sumproduct
references. So, the end user can change the = to > or < or => etc. I need a
cell where they can change the operator and have it pull into the sumproduct
formula. Thanks again.


However, I need the = sign in a different cell that the sumproduct
references. So, the end user can change the = to > or < or => etc. I need a
cell where they can change the operator and have it pull into the sumproduct
formula. Thanks again.

How many possible operators? You could just do a long series of IF
statements based on the contents of that cell if it isn't too many.
Perhaps use data validation on that cell to make it work properly.


Thanks! I ended up using if statements, it does get to be a cumbersome
formula. I really wish there were some way to have a user enter the operator
and have that cell be referenced from within sumproduct formula. Anwyways,
thanks for the help!

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