RefEdit - get range from another workbook



With the control RefEdit in a userform I can select a range within th
same workbook as where the RefEdit is. How do I choose a range i
another workbook? I´m going crazy on this... :confused

Mike Fogleman

Not sure if this helps but I use this to reference a listbox to another

SysList.RowSource = Workbooks("System.tbl").Worksheets("System"). _
Range("A2:A" & RowCount).Address(External:=True)

Mike F


Well, I want to be able to select any range in any workbook and have th
range returned automatically, just like the RefEdit-type controls in th
Chart dialog where you select the data ranges

Jon Peltier

I though I knew how to do this, but the Window menu is inaccessible, and
Ctrl+Tab doesn't work.

Application.InputBox(Type:=8) provides very similar functionality, but
it allows you to navigate via the Window menu, and it's much less goofy
than the RefEdit.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

Jon Peltier

Actually, you could do it if you don't mind a little extra coding. Put a listbox near the
control, populated with the names of the open workbooks. When one is selected, activate the
corresponding workbook under the form.

You're not using that RefEdit on a modeless form, are you? Good, because if you do, Excel will
hang in some rather amazing ways.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

Jon said:
I though I knew how to do this, but the Window menu is inaccessible, and
Ctrl+Tab doesn't work.

Application.InputBox(Type:=8) provides very similar functionality, but
it allows you to navigate via the Window menu, and it's much less goofy
than the RefEdit.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

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