Redirecting after page rendering


Bill Hauver

I am attempting to display a web page which simple
displays a 'Please wait, generating report...' message
before I redirect a user to another web page. I can't
figure out where to put the redirect code because
the 'please wait' page doesn't render to the client
browser (the message is never displayed before the
redirect). Any suggestions would be most helpful!

Thanks - Bill

George Durzi

A bunch of us have tried to accomplish this with Threads and Sessions, but
have had no luck.

The idea was to fork out a thread to do the processing. Then write some
value to the session that you were still processing. You would redirect the
user to an "in progress" page to which you've written a META tag to refresh
every x seconds. The thread, after execution would set the Session to

On the refresh, you would check the value of the session, and go back to the
in-progress page or not.

The issue most of us came across was even though the Session was being
updated, it wouldn't be reflected when checking it's contents.

We got stumpted.

If you have any luck with this, I for one, will be VERY thankful!!


Here is a thought. Have you tried a redirect in the meta tag. Something like
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="20;URL=http://yoururl">
You could use the Page_Unload event of the first page, which takes place
after the page is rendered to do any preprocessing to cache before the
second page is called. Just an idea .. might work.

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