red-X instead of dynamic images


Alexey Smirnov

I have a list of dynamically generated thumbnails. Each image has a
path of picture.ashx?id=123. That works well. However, a few (from
thousands) visitors have a red-X instead of dynamic images. One of
them told me that he was able to see images on a 2003 Windows Server
when he added the site to the "Trusted List" (it was using IE Enhanced
Security Configuration - a feature of Server 2003). After he added it,
he saw the thumbnails. Any ideas of what could be wrong there?
Unfortunately, I cannot check if clients who had problems have any AD-
blocking software, or an antivirus installed.

The Picture HttpHandler is quite simple and sends ContentType

System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";

Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\)

What is the purpose of the ashx? To hide the actual URL for the page? If so,
you need something there.

ONe thing to try is move the logic to an ASPX page and see if that gets
around the security issue. It could be the ashx is not recognized as safe
when used to dynamically create images? It is worth a look to troubleshoot,
esp. if you have a way to test it.

Gregory A. Beamer

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