Recycle Bin Corrupt Error


Trish Finney

For some time now, after I delete something, when I go to the Deleted folder, it's empty. When trying to access the folder I sometimes get the message that the recycle bin is corrupt. I have gone to Microsoft's downloads & done the recommended fixes, but I still have nothing in the deleted folder. Is anyone else getting this or been able to fix it? I have XP, and this started recently, not since I bought the PC new.

Don Phillipson

For some time now, after I delete something, when I go to the Deleted
folder, it's empty. When trying to
access the folder I sometimes get the message that the recycle bin is
corrupt. I have gone to Microsoft's
downloads & done the recommended fixes, but I still have nothing in the deleted folder. Is anyone else
getting this or been able to fix it? I have XP, and this started recently,
not since I bought the PC new.

Select (highlight) the Recyc Bin icon and Right Click to
investigate its Properties. The window "Global" has a
checkbox for instant deletion (on/off). Yours may have
been checked to remove deleted files from the hard
drive (as opposed to storing them in the Recyc Bin.)

John John (MVP)

Try deleting the recycler folder(s), Windows will recreate it when you
reboot. From a command prompt issue the following command:

rd /s /q c:\recycler

If you have more than one drive you will have to issue the command for
each drive, changing the c: with the appropriate drive letter. If you
have more than one user on the machine all recycle bins will be emptied.


Trish Finney

When I typed that in I got a message that says Windows "can't find rd" . I
tried using d instead of rd and got "Windows can't find d".

John John (MVP)

Click on Start | Run and enter CMD in the run box. A Command session
will start, at the started Command Prompt issue the command:

rd /s /q c:\recycler

You have to be logged on as an administrator to run the command.


Trish Finney

Thank you! I have items in the Recycle Bin & didn't get an error message
when I clicked on it!

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