recurring folder cannot delete



I have a folder in the Favorites entitled "Links". There
is nothing in it. I've deleted it; gone to Organize
Favorites and deleted it; searched directories on my
comuter and deleted it and started in Safe Mode, searched
and deleted it. Yet everytime I start IE 6.01 it's
there. So far no one at Gateway or Microsoft has come up
with a solution. Anyone have any ideas? OH, yes, I did
restart/reboot after each attempt outlined above. Thanks.

Don Varnau

You can hide it (if you currently don't show hidden folders.) Right-click
the Links folder> Properties> Hidden.

Or, try this:
Navigate to HKEY_ CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ Internet
Explorer\Toolbar. In the right-hand pane, find a String value named
LinksFolderName and rename it to NOT_LinksFolderName (so you can reverse
this change later).
Then right-click on the right-hand pane, choose New> String value, and name
the new value LinksFolderName, leaving its data blank.
When you delete the Links folder the next time, it won't be recreated.

Hope this helps,

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