recurring appointment not vissible in view



I have a recurring appointment that has been vissible (up to now). I was
creating a view that displayed only appointments with the same Category
(which worked OK) but when returning to the default view, the recurring
appointment is not displayed, nor in any other view now apart from Events

I cannot see what is different now with this appointment or between it and
any other appointment whcih do display correctly.


I have a customer with a similar problem. Recurring appointments have been
showing fine, until upgrading to Office2003. Now some, but not all recurring
appointments are disappearing from the normal Day/Week/Month view, and are
only visible by setting View to Recurring Appointments only, but then they
show up fine. Then tried re-entering the same recurring appointment,
starting on one of the dates as a new appointment, but it wouldn't show up
I'd like to get an answer to this soon.

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