Recreate a macro menu



I create my own menu with sub menu in Excel 97 and they are al
associated with macros. Now, I want to put this menu on othe
computers but their's too much sub-menu to recreate them all manually
so I tried to make a macro witch make those menus, but it doesn't work
When I execute the macro, the menu is blank and the macros aren'
associated with the menus. When I look to the generated code I se
Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls.Add Type:
msoControlPopup, Before:=11
Application.CommandBars("Menu contextuel personnalis
1").Controls.Add Type:= _
msoControlButton, ID:=2949, Before:=1
Application.CommandBars("Menu contextuel personnalis
1").Controls.Add Type:= _
msoControlButton, ID:=2949, Before:=2

So there's no rename action and no associated macro.

I could program in VB but know nothing in VBA
(I use a French Excel 97

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