recordsetclone question



Spastic Happy Dance!!! It works! It works! It *all* works!

thank you, thank you, thank you!



Okay, the happy dance was a little premature. I've got everything working
fine, except when a new StyleNumber is entered. With the existing code, my
BlendID list is empty (everything filtered out.)

Is there a way I can use Me.StyleNumber.OnNotInList inside the
StyleNumber_AfterUpdate module to bypass all the code I've just put in and
exit the sub? My crude attempts haven't worked, apparantly due to syntax
issues, and I'm not finding MS Help very helpful here, since it points me to
the NotInList event.

thanks again -


I realized that in all the back-and-forth, the code I was actually using
wasn't posted. Here it is (entire sub)

'ignore null values for StyleNumber
If Not IsNull(Me.StyleNumber) Then
'if StyleNumber already exists, display BlendID on record
Me.BlendID.RowSource = "" & _
"SELECT BlendID FROM Samples " & _
"WHERE Samples.StyleNumber ='" & Me.StyleNumber & "'"
Me.BlendID = Me.BlendID.ItemData(0)
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.BlendID) Then 'display blend info as usual
Call BlendID_AfterUpdate
ElseIf IsNull(Me.BlendID) Then
'set the datasource for BlendID back to the Blend Table
Me.BlendID.RowSource = Blend.BlendID 'this line not working right
End If

Brian Bastl

Hi ElizCat,

Maybe we can put a little jig back in your step. But first I'll need to know
in which event procedure your using the second 'IF' clause. If Not

I've got to leave for a few hours, but I'll check back.

Or perhaps you'd like me to take a look at a 'stripped-down' version of your
db. If so, then only leave a few records in the tables, compact the db, and
zip it up. I'm using A2K, so make sure the file format is compatible.


remove Caps and numbers, and change at and dot


That entire sub lives in the SampleNumber_AfterUpdate module. If you think
it would be easier, I'll zip the stripped version I'm using for test
programming and email it to you.

thanks -

Brian Bastl

Yes, that would be good.


ElizCat said:
That entire sub lives in the SampleNumber_AfterUpdate module. If you think
it would be easier, I'll zip the stripped version I'm using for test
programming and email it to you.

thanks -

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