Record Navigation Tools



I enjoy having the Navigation Bars turned on because I like to see "Record X
of Y", but I have some subforms that are small and the navigation bar gets
cut off. Is there any way to edit these or create them from scratch so I can
size them as I need?

Stephen Lebans

A2KRecordNavigationButtons is an MDB containing code to replace the standard
Navigation Buttons. The custom buttons exactly emulate the standard
navigation bar including the autorepeat property. A2K or higher! Modified by
MVP Graham Mandeno to work properly with multiple SubForm configurations.

A97RecordNavigationButtons is an MDB containing code to replace the standard
Navigation Buttons. The custom buttons exactly emulate the standard
navigation bar including the autorepeat property.

Version 1.7 Oct 06, 2006

Modified by MVP Graham Mandeno to work properly with multiple SubForm

Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.


I copied your form frmNavButtons into my database and inserted it as a
subform into the form I wanted to navigate. The buttons work, but the record
indicator is blank and so is the "of record x" indicator.

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