Record deletion



Hi, occasionally when I am entering data I get a warning message saying that
somone else has changed the record I am working on and it could possibly
cause the deletion of data. I am the only person who has access and uses
this database.

Any ideas what could be causing this?


Are you sure you don't have any of your tables linked, like say to Excel
spreadsheets? If you do and someone is using the excel sheet it will give you
that message. Also, do you have the files set to read-only?


Theres no linked tables in the database. Nothing is read-only. Think I have
solved the problem, I commented a line from code which updated totals on the
form as I entered data.

It was a temporal thing, didn't happen half the time. See if this has fixed


Theres no linked tables in the database.  Nothing is read-only.  ThinkI have
solved the problem, I commented a line from code which updated totals on the
form as I entered data.

It was a temporal thing, didn't happen half the time.  See if this has fixed
Thank you

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That could be. When it says someone else, it might mean yourself.
Check your code, and make sure that the code doesn't run
simultaniously while you are doing things on a record. If it does,
make sure you open and close your recordset or use a temporary table
or recorset.



Access MDB has intermittent, unexplained locking problems.


If you just upgraded your life to SQL Server-- you wouldnt' have to
deal wiht unexplained random crap like this.
And even if you _DID_ ever see a problem like this in SQL Server-- you
could get around it by adding a QUERY HINT to your SQL Statement

Order * from OrderDetails (NOLOCK) Where OrderID = 12346


You're full of crap. It's no point in 'attacking my knowledge'--
because I am like the _ONLY_ person here with a single cert that they

Yep; that is correct-- Im a MCITP: Database Administrator.
Is there a _SINGLE_ other certified person in this newsgroup?

Most people grow from Access-> SQL Server and never look back.

I honestly love ADP more than almost anything else in this world-- So
it is my job to enlighten the 'unclean'.

I've worked on more Access MDB databases than 90% of the people here.

It burned me. I used to support 20 people that spent 40 hours a week
typing stuff into 60 different Access databases.

a dozen databases that were larger than 1gb.
and they all took 60 seconds to launch and about 5 seconds to move
from record to record.

Yes-- I'll admit-- performance might have increased 10% (percent) when
we moved from a 10mbit hun to 100 mb switches everywhere (after we
went through our IPO).. but it was still unusable.

It didn't warrant a re-write. It warranted a whole new architecture.
It wasn't worth the time and effort in rewriting a bunch of crap in

Because _I_ for one have a brain--
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice; and i'll leave your piece of crap database on the side
of the road.

I gave it up-- just like you should stop shooting heroin.
If it corrupts a single record _EVER_ and you continue using it-- then
you are an addict to heroin.

Some crashes are just unexplainable.

_ESPECIALLY_ back in the day of 9x. If you sell a piece of shit
'dodge neon' for 12 years.. and then all of a sudden it's the perfect
car for me-- do you think that I'd give it a chance??!!??

HELL NO-- If it's a POS car once; it's always a POS car in my book.

Access MDB lost it's ability to be a database when it would crash once
a _YEAR_ without explantion.
None of your 'oh, just split it' crap would explain it.. I mean what a
friggin joke.

It was split-- it was properly written-- other than the fact it was on
a crap platform.

Would you build a warship out of bamboo?

If you're ANY sort of professional, building databases-- and they're
not written in SQL Server-- you might as well be using NotePad.

Because NotePad is more powerful, faster, more reliable-- and has more
functionality than MS Access.

a) Access MDB has close to _ZERO_ profiling capabilities - this might
have improved in Access2007 but that was what, 4 versions too late for
me to give MDB a chance?

b) There isn't a person in the world that can properly index MDB
files. Even if you've got 3 columns in a table-- there isnt' a
possiblity in this world-- that you guys could claim that Access
'properly indexes' tables. Access indexing is a joke. I could beat
almost _ANY_ query (performance wise) in Access by a 5:1 factor; using
indexes that INCLUDE data. With Access; even if you attempt to make a
covering index; this makes it more difficult than necessary because it
creates a _LEVEL_ in the index for each column you're indexing. I
don't want a level for TotalSalesAmount-- I don't want or need a 3
level index-- that is like 8 times more complex than it needs to be--
the 3rd column is a measure. (if you guys don't know what a measure
is; go and pick up a book, script kiddies). Having every index 1/3rd
too big _AND_ too slow-- in this single regard-- is enough for me to
move on.

c) Just because you guys can't spell SQL-- that doesn't mean that it
is 'too complex'.
Seriously. It's not too complex. You just choose to listen to
dipshits that are stuck 'in the first grade of the db world'.

It means that you guys are talking to a bunch of blue-hairs that
don't know WTF they're talking about-- because they are stuck with 15
year old tech.

Yes, MDB is obsolete. ACCDB might be better- but if I wanted
sharePoint shoved up my ying-yang; I'd use Internet Exploder, not MS


Bob Quintal

You're full of crap. It's no point in 'attacking my knowledge'--
because I am like the _ONLY_ person here with a single cert that
they earned.

You obviously have a craw full of bile at something..
Yep; that is correct-- Im a MCITP: Database Administrator.
Is there a _SINGLE_ other certified person in this newsgroup?

No, we're all sane, 'cept you.
Most people grow from Access-> SQL Server and never look back.

So, I've grown from Vulcan to dBase to Fox+ to Foxpro to Access to
SQL server to Sybase to Oracle. And I come back to Access because it
does what my clients want, with turnaround times they can live with,
at a price they can afford.
I honestly love ADP more than almost anything else in this world--
So it is my job to enlighten the 'unclean'.
Oh Gawd, a religious nut. Heaven help us.

[ snip a load of tripe]
If you're ANY sort of professional, building databases-- and
they're not written in SQL Server-- you might as well be using
I think that you might get some rebuttal from the people who do great
things in Oracle.
Because NotePad is more powerful, faster, more reliable-- and has
more functionality than MS Access.
So why are you advocating something other than notepad?

[snip of more nonsense]


Don't go away angry, but go away.

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