Record currently locked - 3218

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I have a main form (Entry), and a sub form - continuous - (EntryContainer).
The sub form is a simple table holding 2 pieces of information (container
information) and the EntryID that links on the main form. When multiple
people are entering container information via an MDE into the Entry form,
SOMETIMES the error The error:
'Could not update; currently locked' - 3218 error

There is absolutely no programming or code behind this simple sub form.

The relationships are correct - EntryID in table Entry to conEntryID in
table ContainerEntry - 1 to many, cascading updates and deletes.

Any help? I have exhausted all discussion threads to no avail.

Thanks for any advice or suggestions!!!

Janis, this could be a genuine locking conflict.

What kind of locking are you using? The default is optimistic locking, and
it is the best approach for the vast majority of JET databases. Verify that
you have No Locks chosen in:
Tools | Options | Advanced | Default record locking.
and also in the Record Locks property of your form and subform.

With optimistic locking, the record is locked only during the write
operation, which is a fraction of a second. If another user/process has
written a change since the user began editing, they are then presented the
Write Conflict Dialog, where they should discard their changes, and have
another go. Provided your users are trained to do this, this strategy were
extremely well.

If you already have optimistic locking and you are still seeing error 3218,
and there is no other extended process that could be holding a lock,
something else is wrong. If this is Access 2000 and later, you might
consider unchecking the box for:
Tools | Options | Advanced | Open databases using Record Level Locking
Ideally, this check box should reduce the occurrance of locking problems,
but there are some scenarios where it actually makes it worse. I have only
experienced this when executing a whole series of updates and deletes inside
a transaction, but it might be worth experimenting with.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

news:[email protected]...
Wow. The MDE's already have no default record locking, and in the sub form
as well as main form, no locking. It almost seems like if a user is entering
containers, and another user opens the main Entry form and starts entering
containers, we get the conflict.

If you know of anymore information that would be awesome. This worries me
as this is such a simple form and makes me wonder about the complex forms
that are in use.

Thanks soooooo very much!!!!!!

Have you split this database, so that each user has their own separate copy
of the front end (program mde), all connected to the same back end data mdb?
If that is a new concept, see:
Split your MDB file into data and application

If it is split, and set up with optimisitic locking, people should be seeing
the conflict dialog rather than error 3218.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Yes each user is running off of an MDE, the tables are on the server MDB.
All linked tables. And yes - the error is Currently Locked . . . unable to

Thanks for verifying - I see some don't split their databases. That was
the first concept I learned a LONG time ago! :)

Thank you VERY much! Any more ideas ;)

Still worth checking that Name AutoCorrect is off (must say off), and
temporarily turn record-level locking off (can turn this back on again if it
makes no difference.) Both settings in the back end as well as the front

Then it's worth tracking down what the users are doing when this happens,
e.g. adding new record, editing old one, editing one they just created, etc.

As I said in the first reply, it could be a real conflict, but I don't
understand why they are getting this message rather than the conflict

If anyone else has a suggestion, we would love to hear also.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

I still can't find the solution of problem :coluld not update,currently locked
normally I have front end and beck end, on both sides the parametars
-shared-record lockin-edited record and open using record level locking
in normal situation (multi user,app.10-15) if two users try to use same
record conflict dialog is appear and I use marking of row as not free to use
but acording to microsoft there is a bug in microsoft access
when the same user try to do a second edit attempt in a transaction
this means that the same user blocking themselves, not other user
microsoft have the solution of that problem - use microsoft OLEDB driver for
ODBC (MSDASQL) instead of Jet 4.0
but I have difficulties to use anthying else but Jet, simply it is new for
me I don't know what to expect and I think that it can't be done with access
on the both side(as database part and frontend)
is there any other solutions ,like some version of me.undo if the user is
start editing and this proces is blocking
I must say that this error cause blocking this computer and nothing can be
done other then wait or end task ,problem is when one computer often have
this error and then he cause other users to slow down their transaction
because the mdb on back end is to busy?
sorry,for my english
I use Your pages to gathering information and it is very usefull for me ,so
thank you for that
greetings from croatia

Korisnik "Allen Browne" napisao je:
I still try to find a way to avoide problem of record locking.I have app.12
users in this aplication.There are other appl. in which I don't have this
problem.In this appl.I have the problem probably because this 12 users
constantly update a same goup of record.(shiping data)
Every user have his one copy of front end(same copy) but it seems that
workstation(PC) and access version is not the same
By two users this error is frequently ( maybe during the day 20 times ,or in
some period like 20 min constantly) other 10 user have this problem maybe one
time and not every day.
It seems that on all computers is installed access 2000 but when i copy the
same version of aplication on some computer looks like it is open in design
mode and on the another one not;
is it posible that opening in design mode by one user cause could not update
again I must say; ther is a difference when other user lock the record and
this problem when one user cause themselves to block the computer and
when tis happens , all users have dificulties(slow work etc..) until this
user break the aplication in task menager
we measure the time waiting that acceess themselves close the update
attempt (it took 10-15 min) and the quicker way is to use task manager
thus anyone can help with his thoughts,please