Recommend Database Software



Currently, my vendor database is all on one 100mb zip disc, 106
separate categories, 4.7mb. Each catagory has anywhere from one to one
hundred listings of company name, address, contact information, and
occasionally a notation or two. A listing may be in one category only,
or in several categories. One major problem faced in this system is if
a vendors data changes, finding and updating the listing in every
category in which they appear can be undaunting. It would be a big help
to build one database that would be accessed by each category request.
Changes and updates would be much easier and the database would remain
much more accurate. The task of looking thru the multitude of database
software offerings has begun but many websites very effectively hide
any kind of simple description of what their software is and what it
will do. We would greatly enjoy hearing from others about what database
software they use and would they recommend it, as well as any other
recommendations anyone may wish to offer. All other comments, ideas,
and suggestions will be appreciated too. Thanks, K.


In kthr33 <[email protected]> typed:
| Currently, my vendor database is all on one 100mb zip disc, 106
| separate categories, 4.7mb. Each catagory has anywhere from one to one
| hundred listings of company name, address, contact information, and
| occasionally a notation or two. A listing may be in one category only,
| or in several categories. One major problem faced in this system is if
| a vendors data changes, finding and updating the listing in every
| category in which they appear can be undaunting. It would be a big
| to build one database that would be accessed by each category request.
| Changes and updates would be much easier and the database would remain
| much more accurate. The task of looking thru the multitude of database
| software offerings has begun but many websites very effectively hide
| any kind of simple description of what their software is and what it
| will do. We would greatly enjoy hearing from others about what
| software they use and would they recommend it, as well as any other
| recommendations anyone may wish to offer. All other comments, ideas,
| and suggestions will be appreciated too. Thanks, K.

Its an inter-relationship database style that would work for your
Check out Alpha Software. There is a forum with that site.

I have versions of this Alpha Database that I'm no longer using so if
the info at I can give you a copy from
2004 or earlier and that fits with this being a 'freeware' group.


kthr33 said:
Currently, my vendor database is all on one 100mb zip disc, 106
separate categories, 4.7mb. Each catagory has anywhere from one
to one hundred listings of company name, address, contact
information, and occasionally a notation or two. A listing may
be in one category only, or in several categories. One major
problem faced in this system is if a vendors data changes,
finding and updating the listing in every category in which they
appear can be undaunting. It would be a big help to build one
database that would be accessed by each category request.
Changes and updates would be much easier and the database would
remain much more accurate. The task of looking thru the
multitude of database software offerings has begun but many
websites very effectively hide any kind of simple description of
what their software is and what it will do. We would greatly
enjoy hearing from others about what database software they use
and would they recommend it, as well as any other
recommendations anyone may wish to offer. All other comments,
ideas, and suggestions will be appreciated too. Thanks, K.

At first reading, this is perfectly solvable with a simple
relational database. The one-to-many vendor-category relation is
straightforward to implement with a cross-reference table.

There are quite some excellent database software options in the
open source world:

* MySQL:
One of the most widely used DB systems, at least for websites.
Used to lack some more advanced DB functionality, but they're
making lots of progress on that.

* PostGreSQL:
Full-fledged system with the whole shebang of advanced DB
functionality. Very good system, but not as widespread as MySQL.

* Firebird:
Don't know this myself, but have heard/read only good things about



RoseW and Wald, The links you have offered have provided lots of good
information and lots of good education. But most of all we appreciate
your comments about each link. Thank You for taking time to consider
our querry and offer help. K.

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