Recieving Multiple Errors!!!



I have just recently started recieving errors left and right on my computer
(Microsoft XP SP2). It's always the same error ("<insert program name here>
has encountered a problem and needs to close." yadda yadda
option to send an error report to Microsoft). So far, this has been
happening when I try to open any Microsoft Office file or my antivirus
software (the antivirus software produces that error when it trys to open on
start-up, and if I try to open it manually).

My Office files close after they do the "requesting virus scan" this
stemming from the fact that my antivirus software isn't running?

I've tried doing an online virus scan at, but while it was
downloading the necessary file, I got an error saying "Internet Explorer has
encountered a problem and needs to close" yadda yadda yadda.

I first noticed the problem yesterday when I tried to open one of my
Microsoft Word files. I don't remember when the antivirus software started
shutting down on me unfortunately. I downloaded and installed SP2 for XP
last night (unfortunately that didn't fix any problems). I also recently
installed the software for Comcast high speed internet (along with the modem
driver) about two weeks ago. I really don't want to mess with the Comcast
software, as it (and Comcast) gave me MANY problems and took me a week and a
half to get fully set-up and running.

Any suggestions how to get my antivirus and Office programs running again?
Should I uninstall antivirus and reinstall it?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I'm completely frustrated!


You can attept to identify any existing virus infection by performing an
oline scan at:

Perhaps try each one, if the first deosn't pick up any nasties.

Follow any advice as to removal of virus.

The perform a SPyware search.

do a Google and get Spybot Search and Destry, free download. Boot up in
safe mode and do the spyware scan. Kill off any crud.


Thanks! However, I tried all three links. Each time, I had to install the
ActiveX controller for the respective site, and each time, I tried to install
the ActiveX controller, I got the dreaded error! Just like when I tried the
McAfee site.

Any other suggestions?

Sir Elric

Did you install this update in the last few days - Windows XP Security
update KB887742?

If so uninstall it and it may fix your problems.
(Use Add/Remove programs)


Sir Elric


I'm unaware if I installed that specific update. I did a lot of updating
before I installed SP2. I didn't find anything that was similar to that in
Add/Remove programs though.....

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