receiving data from jsp



Hi all

We are developing an application which has jsp and aspx pages. Here, I
need to get large string as an input from jsp to aspx.(for ex: the length of
this string is 10000 characters).

How can I receive that string from jsp to asp?

But, these aspx pages will be called by jsp only.

Thannks in advance.


If aspx can receive the data, then how?
i mean, is it possible using Response.outputstream.Read(bufff,0,lenOfData).

With which function, I can read data from jsp page?

bruce barker

the easiest is to create a webservice in jsp and create a web reference
in .net.

-- bruce (


Hi Burce,

Thanks for your prompt response.

I can send the data from asp to jsp using
"Response.OutputStream.Write(buff, 0, (int)LenOfData)".

First I would like to receive data from jsp to aspx using some streams.
I am new bie to .net technologies. Is there any way to receive data using
streams in aspx?

I agree, with your webservice solution. Should we create webservices for
sending data from jsp side? Is it optimal solution?

Can I use webservices in page_load event of aspx page to receive that data?

Just for confirmation, I am asking once again.

Thanks in advance.

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