Rearrange data in MS Access Table



I have a table the currently looks like this:

Emplid Skill1 Skill2 Skill3 Skill4 Skill5
222222 2233 2418 2332 2324 2378
111111 1452 4562 7895 1455 1458

Does anyone know how I could use a query to rearrange the data like so:

Emplid Skill
222222 2233
222222 2418
222222 2332
222222 2324
222222 2378
111111 1452
111111 4562
111111 7895
111111 1455
111111 1458

Thank you in advance,
Byron R. Jones

David F Cox

I regret to say that this seems to me to be an example of the complications
that bad design brings.

What should be as simple as SELECT Emplid, Skill FROM tblSkill ORDER BY ....

now becomes something along the lines of:-

(SELECT Emplid, Skill1 as Skill FROM tblSkill ....)
(SELECT Emplid, Skill2 as Skill FROM tblSkill ....)
(SELECT Emplid, Skill3 as Skill FROM tblSkill ....)
UNION ... etc


I have a table the currently looks like this:

Emplid Skill1 Skill2 Skill3 Skill4 Skill5
222222 2233 2418 2332 2324 2378
111111 1452 4562 7895 1455 1458

Does anyone know how I could use a query to rearrange the data like so:

Emplid Skill
222222 2233
222222 2418
222222 2332
222222 2324
222222 2378
111111 1452
111111 4562
111111 7895
111111 1455
111111 1458

Thank you in advance,
Byron R. Jones

If I were you, I would fix this *permanently*. As you've no doubt
found, querying denormalized data is a pain.
I wrote some code to do this. Basically, loop through the skill
columns and append the (EmployeeID, SkillID) pairs to a single table.

Public Sub NormalizeTable(ByVal strSrcTable As String, ByVal
strDestTable As String, ByVal strPK As String)
'Statement to be built:
'INSERT INTO User_Apps ( Username, Access )
'SELECT xlsAppsLoaded.Username, xlsAppsLoaded.Access
'FROM xlsAppsLoaded
'WHERE xlsAppsLoaded.Access='T';

'strSrcTable = the table the data is coming FROM
'strDestTable = the table the data is being appended TO
'strPK = the primary key of the Destination table.

'Normalizetable "xlsappsloaded","User_Apps","username"

Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim intField As Integer
Dim strSQL As String

Set tdf = DBEngine(0)(0).TableDefs(strSrcTable)
For intField = 1 To tdf.Fields.Count - 1

'--building SQL statement
strSQL = "INSERT INTO " & strDestTable & " (Username,
ApplicationTitle) "
strSQL = strSQL & "SELECT [" & strSrcTable & "].[" & strPK
& "], '" & tdf.Fields(intField).Name & "'"
strSQL = strSQL & " FROM [" & tdf.Name & "]"
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE ((([" & tdf.Name & "].[" &
tdf.Fields(intField).Name & "]='T')));"

'--executing the SQL statement (dbFailOnError just makes
the code continue of an illegal insert is run
'--it will just fail on that insert, but the code will
DBEngine(0)(0).Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError

Next intField
Set tdf = Nothing

MsgBox "Finished normalizing " & strSrcTable & " into " &
strDestTable, vbOKOnly

End Sub

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