Real Time Chat for Win2000/3 anywhere???

Jun 11, 2005
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Hi Group

Does anyone knwo of any decent win2000/3 IRC channels/rooms , I love these groups but realtime chat is better for immediate solutions/advice

I have checked on the usual IRC networks like efnet,,undernet but the only rooms I have found are lto put it hang I wont ...they are full of fools

In a Win2K room I got told Win2K admin was not cool and got these genius script kiddies, I couldnt be bother to fire up a BNC and reconnect to explain their stupidity to them so...

Anyway if anyone knows of one,some please let me know cus I cannot find any with the class of people that frequent this group. I hesitate to call these members of the chatroom people let alone assign them a bags at dawn!!!

Best Regards


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