Reading xml nodes


Christian H


I am currently playing around with XmlTextReader and XmlTextWriter.
I've got the TextWriter to write out nodes in this form:




What I'having trouble with, is to read these nodes using xmlTextReader.

In all the examples I've seen, the xml format has been different from the
format I've used:

<node someAttribute="data" someOtherAtribute="moredata">
<childnode someAttribute="data" someOtherAtribute="moredata"/>
<childnode someAttribute="data" someOtherAtribute="moredata"/>

So , I have 2 questions:
-Does anyone have an example on how to read the xmlformat I've used?
-Is this a correct / incorrect xml data format?

Also, If an attribute or a node's data contains " or ', will this mess up
the xmlReader?
Example: <childnode someAttribute="She didn't do it">

Regards Christian H.


How I would read this is:

Put the xml in an XmlDocument
Select all the childnodes using:

XmlNodelist nodeList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//node/childnode");
foreach(XmlNode xmlNode in nodeList)
// use xmlNode.InnerText to get the moredata

And yes your xml data is correct.
Xml data can never contain " or ' as far as I know, you always need to use
special codes for that. For example, <node>A & B</node> is not valid, the
right notation would be <node>A &amp; B</node>
I'm sure the same goes for " and '

Good luck,


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