reading xml file



I'm trying to read an xml file into a dataset just like I do in my windows


But no matter how I have the string file name the application errors and I
get File Not Found when I debug on the emulator. Since I'm fairly new to
mobile development, do I need to do anything in particular to load the xml
file to the emulator / device? The xml file is in the project folder.

Michael Nemtsev

Hello RR,

Just check for the file existed with File.Exist before reading
BTW, I recomend to use ReadXmlSchema before reading XML, because in that
case CLR is not requred to reconstruct DOM for the xml, and this dosn't hinder

R> I'm trying to read an xml file into a dataset just like I do in my
R> windows application.
R> DataSet.ReadXML("filename.xml");
R> But no matter how I have the string file name the application errors
R> and I get File Not Found when I debug on the emulator. Since I'm
R> fairly new to mobile development, do I need to do anything in
R> particular to load the xml file to the emulator / device? The xml
R> file is in the project folder.
Michael Nemtsev :: blog:

"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not
cease to be insipid." (c) Friedrich Nietzsch


Try using Application.StartupPath to prefix the filename. The StartupPath
property is the path (minus filename) for the executable. Regardless, it
sounds like a path issue moreso than a mobile app issue.

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