Reading/sorting threads


Old Geek

Please! Since the newsgroups had problems a month or so back, about 75% of
all posts that are shown begin with - re:

They are never seen as IN THREAD!

Have I done something wrong? Is there something I have to reconfigure?
Before the newsgroup problems it was very easy to follow threads. Now it is
damn near impossible.

I have also noticed that many posts that can be read using the CDO interface
never show up when using O.E.

I am using Outlook Express 6.0 as my newsgroup reader.

Ant answers out there?


PA Bear

OE View>Current View>Show all messages (select). Note any other settings
there which may be affecting what you're seeing.
OE6-specific newsgroup:

HTH...Please post back to this thread

~Robear Dyer (aka PA Bear)

Protect Your PC


Old Geek


Show all messages IS selected under views. I do not have any rules applied
to newsgroups!

Old Geek

Not really the problem, I believe.

As a test I have posted Using the CDO interface. For the next 24 hours my
post was still not picked up in Outlook Express. I also see other posts
using the Web interface that do not show in O.E.

I really do believe it has something to do with the Web interface giving a
default anonymous email address.

Most of the posts that begin with the re: prefix are messages that are in
response to one of these anonymous addresses.

PA Bear said:
For several weeks now the NNTP server is only presenting newsreader users
with a 30 day archive. CDO still has a 90+ day archive. Are the original
posts you seem to be missing possibly older than 30 days?

Choose a subject and then find it in Google Groups to check:

PA Bear

Then it's most likely your newsserver deleting messages before they're
deleted on the master MS newsserver (news://

Configure OE to use the MS Newsserver

This NG on MS newsserver:
news:// (clicking on
this link will open the NG using the MS newsserver).[/QUOTE]


under View | Current View make sure the option for Group Conversations by thread is checked.

(e-mail address removed)

Please! Since the newsgroups had problems a month or so back, about 75% of
all posts that are shown begin with - re:

They are never seen as IN THREAD!

Have I done something wrong? Is there something I have to reconfigure?
Before the newsgroup problems it was very easy to follow threads. Now it is
damn near impossible.

I have also noticed that many posts that can be read using the CDO interface
never show up when using O.E.

I am using Outlook Express 6.0 as my newsgroup reader.

Ant answers out there?


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