Reading single field values from a dataset

  • Thread starter Bjorn Sagbakken
  • Start date

Bjorn Sagbakken

What is the best way to read single field values from a dataset? The dataset
is populated with a customer record, showing well in a gridview. But I also
want to read the single field values, like adress, phone, and so on.


Alexey Smirnov

What is the best way to read single field values from a dataset? The dataset
is populated with a customer record, showing well in a gridview. But I also
want to read the single field values, like adress, phone, and so on.


for example, myDataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]

it gives you a value of the first colum in the first row

Bjorn Sagbakken

Alexey Smirnov said:
What is the best way to read single field values from a dataset? The
is populated with a customer record, showing well in a gridview. But I
want to read the single field values, like adress, phone, and so on.


for example, myDataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]

it gives you a value of the first colum in the first row

Thanks a lot. That was exactly what I was looking for.



Is it a strong or weak typed DataSet?

Let's say you have
with one table : Employee
and 3 columns
EmployeeID (int) , LastName (string) , FirstName (string)

Here is some pseudo code:

EmployeeDS ds = new EmployeeDS();

ds.Employee.AddNewEmployeeRow ( 101, "Smith" , "John") ;


EmployeeDS.EmployeeRow row = ds.Employee.Rows[0] as EmployeeDS.EmployeeRow;
// friendly cast
int empid = row.EmployeeID;

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