Reading Material: Excel VBA

  • Thread starter Peter W Soady \(UK\)
  • Start date

Peter W Soady \(UK\)


Can anyone please recommend a book or books for Excel (or all) VBA
programming please.

I can use the Excel "Record Macro" without any problems and can get some
quite complex code to run and work correctly, but, I need to be able to do a
lot more with it than the "Record Macro" allows. I have included a few
examples of what I need to do:

Query the entire worksheet for data then I have input from an input box.
Conditionally format a cell from the query result
Transfer the complete column (or row) into a pre defined template

These are just a few items and I really need a good book on VBA to allow
this to happen


I'll chime in and toss in my vote for just about anything by J.Walkenbach
also. Don't even be too concerned if you end up getting a book geared toward
an earlier version of Excel than you are using. There are few significant
changes in VB coding in any of the versions prior to 2007: I've got some
stuff around here originally written in Excel 97 that still works without a
single change in Excel 2003. Going backwards is sometimes iffy - they'll
introduce a new parameter for some command (such as the .Find or .Sort) in a
version, and if you try to run the code in an earlier version of Excel, the
new parameters will toss a wrench in the gears until you realize you can just
delete those parameters and the code will (most likely) work in BOTH versions!

One thing that may be of some use to you when you start branching off into
uncharted programming waters is the Excel Object Model - it shows the
relationships of the various components (objects) of Excel in a diagram. It
may confuse you at first, but after a while you will begin to understand how
to interpret it and how it relates to coding for objects. It is available in
the VBA editor's Help topics (not in the Help from the worksheet display) -
search for Excel Object Model and you'll see it. I think if you'll look at
some of the macro's you record that reference Excel objects and then look at
the OM, you'll get an idea of how it can be useful for figuring out how to
reference various Excel objects that you may not be familiar with.

Peter W Soady \(UK\)

Again, I can only thank you all for the information. I have ordered a couple
of the books via Amazon and hopefully they will arrive on Monday.

Again, many thanks for your help and time in replying. Very much appreciated



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