Reading INI File



I'm trying to read INI File from inside the C#
I Created Class:
public class clsIniFile
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
private static extern int WritePrivateProfileStringA(
string lpApplicationName,
string lpKeyName,
string lpString,
string lpFileName);

[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
private static extern int GetPrivateProfileStringA(
string lpApplicationName,
string lpKeyName,
string lpDefault,
string lpReturnedString,
int nSize,
string lpFileName);

public string filename
return filename;
filename = value;

private const int Max_SectionBuffer = 4096;
private const int Max_EntryBuffer = 255;

public clsIniFile()


public bool FileExist(string filename)
return File.Exists(filename);

public void writeEntry(string Section, string EntryName, string Value,
string filename)
WritePrivateProfileStringA(Section, EntryName, Value, filename);

public string PrivGetString(string Section, string EntryName, string
int nRetVal, nBuffersize;
string sTemp = "";
sTemp = sTemp.PadLeft(255, ' ');
nBuffersize = sTemp.Length;

nRetVal = GetPrivateProfileStringA(Section, EntryName, "", sTemp,
nBuffersize, filename);
if (nRetVal != 0)
return sTemp.Substring(1 , nRetVal);
return "";

End this class works fine when I'm writing to INI File but when I'm trying
to read it always return empty string in the sTemp. What's wrong. Thanks.


The parameter "lpReturnedString" in GetPrivateProfileStringA should be
declared as System.Text.StringBuilder since .net standard strings are

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