Read whole content of rich text format file into string variable



I'd would like to read whole rich text format file (small file created in Ms Word) into a string variable, the code look like this

Dim intFileHander as intege
Dim strFileName as strin
Dim strContent as strin
intFileHandler = FreeFil
Open strFileName For Output As intFileHandle
Input #intFileHandler, strConten
Debug.print strContent
Close #intFileHandle

Actually, strContent is storing only a first part of the input file. How can I read all content of my file into variable strContent

Tran Hong Quang

John Nurick


The Input # statement parses the input data. Instead, use the Input()
function. Here's a UDF I use for this:

Function FileContents(FileSpec As Variant, _
Optional ReturnErrors As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByRef ErrCode As Long) As Variant
'Retrieves contents of file as a string
'Silently returns Null on error unless
' ReturnErrors is true, in which case
' uses CVErr() to return an error value.
' Optionally, you can retrieve the error
' code in the ErrCode argument

Dim lngFN As Long

On Error GoTo Err_FileContents
If IsNull(FileSpec) Then
FileContents = Null
lngFN = FreeFile()
Open FileSpec For Input As #lngFN
FileContents = Input(LOF(lngFN), #lngFN)
End If
ErrCode = 0
GoTo Exit_FileContents

ErrCode = Err.Number
If ReturnErrors Then
FileContents = CVErr(Err.Number)
FileContents = Null
End If
Close #lngFN
End Function

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