READ the PS about the SWEN Virus


C. Kakadu

To all those good folks who are "experiencing", or more precisely, are the
VICTIMS of the SWEN virus:

Thank your lucky stars that you had the intelligence to refrain from opening
any of these "attachments." Otherwise, your computer would be in "deep
doo-doo"! (Oh, you DID open an attachment and got infected? Shucks! . . .
read on)

This newsgroup has dozens (if not hundreds) of posts about the SWEN virus.

First - Update your anti-virus builds daily (see the PS); Second - Get
MailWasher or a similar program to filter your email (see the PS); Third -
catch the bastard(s) doing this, or initiating this crap, and KILL (or
maybe, just prosecute) him, her, or the company (see the PS).

I'm betting this virus is another gift of our "Asian" friends . . . BUT, see
the PS!

Good Luck,

C. Kakadu (a REAL Ph.D. who helped to develop COBOL . . . do you kids
remember that?)

PS: Sometimes an evil thought enters my Ph.D. head . . . are the
Anti-Virus vendors behind any of these shenanigans? I am told that their
"sales" are skyrocketing over the last few months because of the various
viruses and worms that they sell "products" . . . often, ineffective, to
"combat"! NAH! No capitalist would do something that cruel . . .
just to make a few million extra dollars.


It doesn't take a Fortune 500 company to write a virus. These "baby" viruses
do serve as a warning that we are at risk. Sort of like getting a cold
instead of Lassa Fever. As for their country of origin, they could have come
from Mars, but, based on the language usage, I am leaning towards China,

PS: Congratulations on your participation in the development of COBOL. Like
ancient Sumerian writing, it was an important evolutionary step, and will
not soon be forgotten. :)

Donald McDaniel

Cary said:
It doesn't take a Fortune 500 company to write a virus. These "baby"
viruses do serve as a warning that we are at risk. Sort of like
getting a cold instead of Lassa Fever. As for their country of
origin, they could have come from Mars, but, based on the language
usage, I am leaning towards China, myself.

PS: Congratulations on your participation in the development of
COBOL. Like ancient Sumerian writing, it was an important
evolutionary step, and will not soon be forgotten. :)

I will never forget COBOL. Just the thought of getting the wrong commands
in Column A and Column B sends shivers up my spine and causes sweat to break
out on my forehead.

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