Read only shared files



We have 2 home PCs running XP Home edition and linked by wireless broadband.
Each 'my documents' folder is shared with the other. If I try to open a file
on computer B (for want of a phrase) that is held on the hard drive of
computer A (or vice versa), it will only open as 'read only'. Please can
someone tell me how I change this so I can access files and update them from
the other computer? I've checked that the file isn't saved as 'read only' on
the source PC. I understand from another newsgroup that this is probably a
security permission set by the operating system. Thanks, Sue.

Mike Hyndman

Open as read only, make changes, then just do a save as (rename or change




I don't want to have to save them elsewhere or rename them, I just want to
be able to access them from another computer and save back to the original
file. Is it possible?


(e-mail address removed),
Sue B said:
We have 2 home PCs running XP Home edition and linked by
wireless broadband. Each 'my documents' folder is shared
with the other. If I try to open a file on computer B (for
want of a phrase) that is held on the hard drive of computer
A (or vice versa), it will only open as 'read only'. Please
can someone tell me how I change this so I can access files
and update them from the other computer? I've checked that
the file isn't saved as 'read only' on the source PC. I
understand from another newsgroup that this is probably a
security permission set by the operating system. Thanks,

Right click the My Documents folder on each PC.
Select "Sharing and Security" from the menu.
Make sure the box next to "Allow users to change my files" is
Click OK.
Log off and back on each computer and see if this changes your
ability to modify files and save them with the changes.

Good luck


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