Read and flag Email from MS Exchange server



I am using C# to write a windows service that will periodically scan the
exchange server for emails,fetch them, process the information in the emails
and flag them after processing.
I would appreciate if anyone reading this post can point me to some code
that will read emails from an Exchange server please. Also, most of the help
on the support on the MSDN site is making use of CDO for Exchange server. I
am developing on Windows XP professional and do not have CDO for Exchange
Server. The deployment server will not have exchange installed on it. I also
do not have any idea how to get the CDO for Exchange Server installed on my
machine without installing Exchange Server.
Any help that can make me proceed further is appreciated. As of now, it
looks like I cannot move.

Thanks and regards,

Chris Priede

Seshadri said:
I am using C# to write a windows service that will periodically
scan the exchange server for emails,fetch them, process the
information in the emails and flag them after processing.

I looked into doing that for a project a while ago (which also retrieves and
processes emails from an Exchange server).

It can be done, but after considering the Exchange-specific methods and
seeing how hairy they were, I took the easy way out and designed my
application for the POP3 protocol (which Exchange supports). The
functionality available over POP3 is limited, but it is enough to retrieve
emails to process, mark them read, or delete them -- that was all I really

If that is all you need to do, then POP3 could be the easiest solution for
you, too.


Hi Chris,
Thank you for the reply. I guess my requirements are similar too. Retrieve,
read and mark the email messages on an Excange server. If you could point me
to some code or links that you have used, it will be very helpful.
I tried searching on the internet but I am getting swamped with unwanted
information. Thank you once again for thereply and help.

- Seshadri.

Chris Priede

Seshadri said:
Hi Chris,
Thank you for the reply. I guess my requirements are similar too.
Retrieve, read and mark the email messages on an Excange server. If
you could point me to some code or links that you have used, it will
be very helpful.

I used the POP3 component from these guys:

I wouldn't say it's the most elegant component I've ever seen, but it works
fine. It wouldn't be all that difficult to develop your own POP3 protocol
implementation if you are familiar with socket programing -- the protocol
itself is very simple.

Jonathan Stowe

Seshadri said:
Thank you for the reply. I guess my requirements are similar too. Retrieve,
read and mark the email messages on an Excange server. If you could point me
to some code or links that you have used, it will be very helpful.
I tried searching on the internet but I am getting swamped with unwanted
information. Thank you once again for thereply and help.

You might find IMAP better than POP3 for working with Exchange server -
there are plenty of examples (as well as commercial libraries) out there
for example :


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