Re-posting problem with Cartesian product



This is the original post:

I took my main table NameAddr this file contains all of our customers with
assigned customer numbers. Each of the 14 branches has a range of usage
between 1 and 9999. Branch 01 only uses 1680 that leaves 8319 number
assignable. My first attempt would return all numbers used but not return
the unused.

Then the query below was suggested, so I created a 1-9999 table and right
joined them, this should give me all the numbers Q_USED and all the numbers

This did not work correctly, I still need the UNUSED numbers per Branch. The
response I got (which I will list below) is close, but I get a mis-matched
expression in the Q_Unused query. I pulled it apart to see what was not
working, but nada. The first two queries work fine, it's the Q_Unused that is
still getting an
error. Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

This is the suggestion for writing the queries;

Piggybacking on Marshall's clever idea of using the Cartesian product of
a small Table with itself, I define a Table containing only 10 numbers:

[tbl 0-9] Table Datasheet View:


I also have a Table that specifies the maximum number of accounts at
each Branch. (I changed Branch "01" from 1680 to 998 to make the
example work better. You should set them to whatever is correct.)

[Branches] Table Datasheet View:

Branch NumberOfAccounts
------ ----------------
01 998
02 997
03 500
04 74

And we have the Table of existing, and thus unavailable, account numbers
at each Branch. I have included only two Branches, to make the example
more concise:

[NAMEADDR] Table Datasheet View:

co-number cust-number
--------- -----------
01 993
01 995
01 996
02 991
02 995

Now we create a Query to list all 9999 possible customer numbers for any
Branch, including those that may be in use:

[Q_9999] SQL:

SELECT [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10
+[1].number AS [Number]
FROM [tbl 0-9] AS 1000, [tbl 0-9] AS 100, [tbl 0-9] AS 10,
[tbl 0-9] AS 1
WHERE ((([1000].[number]*1000+[100].[number]*100+[10].[number]*10
ORDER BY [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100

(I expect that this occupies considerably less space than a
10,000-record Table.) As you might expect, the contents are kind of
boring, and I've omitted most of them here:

[Q_9999] Query Datasheet View:


Now I define a Query that lists all of the possible account numbers for
each Branch, up to the limit specified in [Branches].[NumberOfAccounts]:

[Q_Combo] SQL:

SELECT Branches.Branch, Q_9999.Number
FROM Branches, Q_9999
((Branches.Branch)<="02") AND
And (Q_9999.Number)=990
ORDER BY Branches.Branch, Q_9999.Number;

The lines "((Branches.Branch)<="02") AND "
and "And (Q_9999.Number)=990"
are included ONLY to make the example shorter. You need to erase both
lines from this SQL. This Query lists account numbers up to 998 for
Branch "01" and up to 997 for Branch "02", omitting the other numbers
and Branches. The complete list, now, looks like this:

[Q_Combo] Query Datasheet View:

Branch number
------ ------
01 990
01 991
01 992
01 993
01 994
01 995
01 996
01 997
01 998
02 990
02 991
02 992
02 993
02 994
02 995
02 996
02 997

Now we're ready to list the unused ones. We define one more Query:

[Q_Unused] SQL:

SELECT Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number
ON (Q_Combo.Branch = NAMEADDR.[co-number])
AND (Q_Combo.number = NAMEADDR.[cust-number])
WHERE (((NAMEADDR.[co-number]) Is Null))
ORDER BY Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number;

and -- voilá -- we have what I think you asked for, a list of all the
account numbers (up to the maximum allowed for each Branch) that are not
already listed in [NAMEADDR]:

[Q_Unused] Query Datasheet View:

Branch number
------ ------
01 990
01 991
01 992
01 994
01 997
01 998
02 990
02 992
02 993
02 994
02 996
02 997

Notice that account 995 is not listed for either Branch, but 993 is
listed for Branch "02".


Hi, Todd.
it's the Q_Unused that is
still getting an
error. Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

Q_Combo.Branch and NAMEADDR.[co-number] must be of the same data type, and
Q_Combo.number and NAMEADDR.[cust-number]) must be of the same data type for
this query to work. If they aren't, then either change the data types so
that they match the corresponding column's type, or cast the data type to the
one needed.


SELECT Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number
ON (Q_Combo.Branch = NAMEADDR.[co-number])
AND (Q_Combo.number = CLng(NAMEADDR.[cust-number]))
WHERE (((NAMEADDR.[co-number]) Is Null))
ORDER BY Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number;

It appears that what you need is a query for unmatched records where the
records don't yet exist (unused customer numbers), with the added
complexities of grouping by branch and where the customer numbers aren't
exclusive across branches. Another approach to the one you have here is the
brute force of building the table with all possible numbers to use for an
outer join to determine the numbers that aren't already used in each group.
Most of the time, this inefficiency is undesirable, but you have such a small
range of numbers that the table will only use about 250 KB, even with a
primary key index on the field.

If you're interested, I have a template of three procedures that takes about
one minute to copy/paste into a module, customize the seven variables with
table names, field names, and range of numbers, and then run to create the
tables and the resulting query listing all unused numbers per group (branch,
in your case). I think a minute of work and 250 KB disk space is an
acceptable tradeoff for an inefficient method. If you agree, please let me
know, and I'll post these VBA procedures.


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"Did this post answer your question?" at the bottom of the message, which
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tmaxwell said:
This is the original post:

I took my main table NameAddr this file contains all of our customers with
assigned customer numbers. Each of the 14 branches has a range of usage
between 1 and 9999. Branch 01 only uses 1680 that leaves 8319 number
assignable. My first attempt would return all numbers used but not return
the unused.

Then the query below was suggested, so I created a 1-9999 table and right
joined them, this should give me all the numbers Q_USED and all the numbers

This did not work correctly, I still need the UNUSED numbers per Branch. The
response I got (which I will list below) is close, but I get a mis-matched
expression in the Q_Unused query. I pulled it apart to see what was not
working, but nada. The first two queries work fine, it's the Q_Unused that is
still getting an
error. Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

This is the suggestion for writing the queries;

Piggybacking on Marshall's clever idea of using the Cartesian product of
a small Table with itself, I define a Table containing only 10 numbers:

[tbl 0-9] Table Datasheet View:


I also have a Table that specifies the maximum number of accounts at
each Branch. (I changed Branch "01" from 1680 to 998 to make the
example work better. You should set them to whatever is correct.)

[Branches] Table Datasheet View:

Branch NumberOfAccounts
------ ----------------
01 998
02 997
03 500
04 74

And we have the Table of existing, and thus unavailable, account numbers
at each Branch. I have included only two Branches, to make the example
more concise:

[NAMEADDR] Table Datasheet View:

co-number cust-number
--------- -----------
01 993
01 995
01 996
02 991
02 995

Now we create a Query to list all 9999 possible customer numbers for any
Branch, including those that may be in use:

[Q_9999] SQL:

SELECT [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100+[10].number*10
+[1].number AS [Number]
FROM [tbl 0-9] AS 1000, [tbl 0-9] AS 100, [tbl 0-9] AS 10,
[tbl 0-9] AS 1
WHERE ((([1000].[number]*1000+[100].[number]*100+[10].[number]*10
ORDER BY [1000].number*1000+[100].number*100

(I expect that this occupies considerably less space than a
10,000-record Table.) As you might expect, the contents are kind of
boring, and I've omitted most of them here:

[Q_9999] Query Datasheet View:


Now I define a Query that lists all of the possible account numbers for
each Branch, up to the limit specified in [Branches].[NumberOfAccounts]:

[Q_Combo] SQL:

SELECT Branches.Branch, Q_9999.Number
FROM Branches, Q_9999
((Branches.Branch)<="02") AND
And (Q_9999.Number)=990
ORDER BY Branches.Branch, Q_9999.Number;

The lines "((Branches.Branch)<="02") AND "
and "And (Q_9999.Number)=990"
are included ONLY to make the example shorter. You need to erase both
lines from this SQL. This Query lists account numbers up to 998 for
Branch "01" and up to 997 for Branch "02", omitting the other numbers
and Branches. The complete list, now, looks like this:

[Q_Combo] Query Datasheet View:

Branch number
------ ------
01 990
01 991
01 992
01 993
01 994
01 995
01 996
01 997
01 998
02 990
02 991
02 992
02 993
02 994
02 995
02 996
02 997

Now we're ready to list the unused ones. We define one more Query:

[Q_Unused] SQL:

SELECT Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number
ON (Q_Combo.Branch = NAMEADDR.[co-number])
AND (Q_Combo.number = NAMEADDR.[cust-number])
WHERE (((NAMEADDR.[co-number]) Is Null))
ORDER BY Q_Combo.Branch, Q_Combo.number;

and -- voilá -- we have what I think you asked for, a list of all the
account numbers (up to the maximum allowed for each Branch) that are not
already listed in [NAMEADDR]:

[Q_Unused] Query Datasheet View:

Branch number
------ ------
01 990
01 991
01 992
01 994
01 997
01 998
02 990
02 992
02 993
02 994
02 996
02 997

Notice that account 995 is not listed for either Branch, but 993 is
listed for Branch "02".

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