re-populating the prefetch folder




Noticing that all the files in the prefetch folder were some
3 months old, I deleted everyhting and waited for Windows to
re-create them.

It didn't happen. The prefetch folder is staying empty. I
tried to put a layout.ini file in it and issue

Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks

from the command line. Nada.

So how can I get prefetching running again?




Noticing that all the files in the prefetch folder were some
3 months old, I deleted everyhting and waited for Windows to
re-create them.

It doesn't re-create them until you run them again.


1> takes three reboots before repopulating the prefetch progs

2> It doesn't re-create them until you run them again.

Well, I booted at least 10 times since and I do run my usual
programs. The prefetch folder is still empty.

Could it be that prefetching depends on some service
disabled long ago?

The first fact to explain is why the files in the prefecth
folder were 3 months old when I deleted them. It surely
means that prefetching was disabled long before I noticed?



Memory Management / Logical Prefetch relies on the Task Scheduler Service
, maybe it's disabled and the snafu, I dunno for certain.
if it is disabled you probably won't be gathering automatic restore points
daily as I discovered a few days after I disabled it here on

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