Re Picture Stock Brochure TIA



Hi Gord and every body else,
I picked this code up after an extensive search works great
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Dim oPic As Picture
With Range("F1")
For Each oPic In Me.Pictures
Select Case LCase(oPic.Name)
Case LCase("LogoPictName"), LCase("AnotherPictAlwaysVisible")
'do nothing
Case Is = LCase(.Text)
oPic.Visible = True
oPic.Top = .Top
oPic.Left = .Left
Case Else
oPic.Visible = False
End Select
Next oPic
End With
End Sub

My task now is to use it so that when I call the cell A3, next one down the same happens as with A2 from mcglimpses'site
any ideas or pointers to a site that would show this or something similar.
Can i call the same function for two seperate cells

Gord Dibben

Can i call the same function for two seperate cells

Not with the code you posted or with the code from John's lookuppic.xls

I alresdy posted the link to Bernie Dietricks's workbook that allows for
multiple pictures to be displayed.

Have you read the responses you got? I sent two. You obviously saw one or you
would not have used my name.

Here is the link again.

DV0049 - ClipArt Selection


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