Re-Name several text boxes



Hello, I wanted to know if this was possible and if so how. I have a lot of
txt boxes that are already named lbldia000, lbldia001, lbldia002 ect how
would I rename them lblDay000, lblDay001, lblDay002 ect? Each of the lables
OnClick and DblClick have this event =DiaPresionado(00), =DiaPresionado(01),
=DiaPresionado(02) ect. I want to cahnge them to =PressedDay(00),
=PressedDay(01), =PressedDay(02) ect. What it is is this is a yearly calender
in spanish and Im canging everything to english and wanted to keep the number
format and change all the wording to english but there are so many txt boxes
it would take me forever. Is this possible?


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