re-installing frontpage 2002 on new PC



My old windows 98PC died.

I installed the trial frontpage 2002 on my new windows XP PC and it workied
ASfter 30 days, when I went to do the upgrade, it removed the previous
version as part of the installation process then said something along the
lines of it coudn't locate a previous version to upgrade so it was cancelling
the operation.

I tried putting the old CD in the drive when it asked for a source for the
previous version, but it shut down.

I only have one CD drive to work with at a time. I'd hate to have pay tech
support $35 to figure this ut when I paid for the software already,it's just
changing the hardware that's messed me up.


Jens Peter Karlsen[FP MVP]

You have bought an upgrade version. You need to get the full version
when you don't have a previous full version to upgrade from.

Regards Jens Peter Karlsen. Microsoft MVP - Frontpage.

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