Re- activate SP2


Jared Burford

Hi guys.

After activing my Windows XP SP1, i was happy...... now after installing
SP2, it prompts to activate xp again .... why? as I have not installed any
extra hardware since.

I know i can simply re-activae again, but why "should" I have to ... ?? And
what casues this to happen ?? Things don't happen without a reason.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Jared,

Installing SP2 does not require reactivation, something else must have
triggered it. What? I do not know, but I can safely state that the
installation of SP2 alone does not require reactivating the installation.
Perhaps the hardware hash had changed significantly since the last change,
and that is what prompted the requirement.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

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