RD VBScript error from anywhere



Can anyone advise me on what could cause a VBScript error to occure when using the http:(myip)/tsweb to remote my PC from work?

I can see the connect screen which asks for a server name, but once i click connect like i followed in the instructions is displays a disconnected error saying the service might not be running etc.. ive checked all the RD services are running the correct port 3389 is open on my local machine, i must be missing some thing? If i can reach the connect screen am i half way to a connection??

Ive tried to connect from work and from a friends PC and both give me the same message, i would use VNC but i get no route to server displayed on that.

If any one can help it would be much appreciated. its really getting to me now! ;-)


The operating system is XP Pro and i cannot find the terminal services folder to share, will this make a difference?

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