RC2 Expires!



Oh Paul,
Look at the date the op gives!!
maybe a typo; but if not!! -it's expired!!


Daze N. Knights

Chris said:
I just want to ask something! Why my RC2 expires on 6/1/2006?
Any ideas?


Your RC2 expires before it was even released? You certainly got gypped
and should demand your money back from MS.

Jane C

All pre-release versions of Vista will expire on either 31 May 2007, or 1
June 2007, depending on your time zone ;-)


Jane C said:
All pre-release versions of Vista will expire on either 31 May 2007, or 1
June 2007, depending on your time zone ;-)

What if you want to keep it running longer than that? Just set back your
computer clock back, say, one year?

Richard Urban

Sure. Go ahead. Then you will see the multitude of other problems you cause
by doing so.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!

Rich Milburn

Well, Windows Update would stop working, for one thing. And will that really
I had a beta 1 install that I didn't activate before 30 days, and didn't
have the TCP/IP configured right, so I couldn't activate it. I tried setting
the clock back and it didn't work. Ended up reinstalling...

Rich Milburn
MVP - Directory Services

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Try it now and see.
But typically setting the date/time forward or back is cumulative.
Once the time has passed and the time bomb has gone off, only a Clean
Install can resolve it.

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