Ranking a calculated column



I've read through the threads and haven't found anything that has helped. I
have a calculated column that I would like ranked. It shows average
application production - here's the calculation that I use: Round(Sum([Total
Life])/Count([ST_Code]),2). Article ACC2000 didn't work - I have Access
2003. Any help you can give would be appreciated.


Rank: (Select Count (*) From June_Founders Where [Avg Apps]
<=[June_Founders]. [Avg Apps]+1;)

I know this isn't right but don't know what to do. Thanks.

Post your SQL.

luvspeanut said:
I've read through the threads and haven't found anything that has helped. I
have a calculated column that I would like ranked. It shows average
application production - here's the calculation that I use: Round(Sum([Total
Life])/Count([ST_Code]),2). Article ACC2000 didn't work - I have Access
2003. Any help you can give would be appreciated.

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