Range based on interior color index?



Is there a way for me to define a range based on a particular interior
color index value? For example, can I "select" a group of cells on a
sheet that have a color index of 38?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Norman Jones

Hi Garle,

I think that you eould need to loop through the cells and bulid the required
range, e.g.:

Public Sub Tester3()
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Rng2 As Range
Dim rCell As Range

Set Rng = Range("A1:K100")

For Each rCell In Rng.Cells
If rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 38 Then
If Rng2 Is Nothing Then
Set Rng2 = rCell
Set Rng2 = Union(rCell, Rng2)
End If
End If
Next rCell


End Sub


Thank you, Norman, works great!

I tried converting the sub to a function that returns the range of
cells with a given interior color index value as follows:

Function findColorInRange(searchrange As range, colorix As Integer)
Dim resultrange As range
Dim rCell As range

For Each rCell In searchrange.Cells
If rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = colorix Then
If resultrange Is Nothing Then
Set resultrange = rCell
Set resultrange = Union(rCell, resultrange)
End If
End If
Next rCell

findColorInRange = resultrange

End Function

However, I get an error (run-time error 91) when I try to call with:

Sub testing()
Dim rng As range

rng = findColorInRange(range("database"), 38)

End Sub

Any ideas? I have the feeling I'm missing something basic, but I don't
know much about calling routines in macros.


Hi garle, You have to state what you want to return from the function,

Function findColorInRange(searchrange As range, colorix As Integer) As

As you thought, it was just something basic! : )

ExcelSpecialisten SWE


Thank you, Anders.

I still got an error after this change (but it got thrown in the
function, not the sub). I fiddled around and eventually added 'set' to
the assignments in both the calling sub and the function and was able
to get it to work properly.

Can anyone explain why I need to use:

Set findColorInRange = resultrange // from function


Set rng = findColorInRange(range("database"), 38) // from calling sub

I guess I've been clear on when to use 'set" and when not to...

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