Range as variable No.2



Hi All,

I'm working in excel97 VBA.
My aim is to "override" the original VLookup worksheet
function with my own function declarated below. In this
function I use "rng" and rng1 as Range variable, and I
would like to change the values in the range's first
column before working with it. (That's and others why
using new variable rng1 as Range.)

I can't explain, why doesn't it work at all if only I rem
the " 'rng1.Range("a1").Value = 2 " line.

Function fkeres1(ByVal cella, rng As Range, Optional i As
Long = 2, Optional logikai As Boolean = False)
Dim rng1 As Range

Set rng1 = rng
'rng1.Range("a1").Value = 2

fkeres1 = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(cella, rng, i, logikai)
End Function

Tom Ogilvy

A function used in a worksheet can only return a value to the cell in which
it is used. It can not alter the excel environment, such as changing values
in other cells or formatting in any cell as examples.


Thank you for your answer!

I note, that the function works as a worksheet function in
this form, but if I remove the " ' " (without this it
won't work).
The main questonaire is, how can I use this function with
changed values in the range given as parameter.

Thanks in advance.

Tom Ogilvy

I believe, that within your function, you would have to put the values of
the rng in an array and use the array as the second argument to Vlookup. In
xl2000 and earlier, I believe the number of cells in the range will not be
able to exceed 5461.


Thank you Tom!

I'm not an expert... and how about putting range values
into arrays?


Dave Peterson

This might be too specific if you really were just showing an example:

Option Explicit
Function fkeres1(ByVal cella, rng As Range, _
Optional i As Long = 2, _
Optional logikai As Boolean = False)

If cella = 2 Then
fkeres1 = rng(1).Offset(0, i - 1).Value
fkeres1 = Application.VLookup(cella, rng, i, logikai)
End If

End Function

(Application.vlookup handles no match (#n/a's) nicer than

Dave Peterson

Maybe something like this:

Option Explicit
Function fkeres1(ByVal cella, rng As Range, _
Optional i As Long = 2, _
Optional logikai As Boolean = False)

Dim myArr As Variant
myArr = rng.Value
myArr(1, 1) = 2
fkeres1 = Application.VLookup(cella, myArr, i, logikai)

End Function

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