"Randy" "Steve" whatever - Please read


David Cox

One day you will have someone that you love and care about.

You might, like me, find out that one of the reasons that they died, or
someone that they cared about died, was because of a deceptive email.

I know you do not believe that this can happen.

I lost my son Frank, aged 32, father of three beautiful children as the
result of events following a deceptive email.

It frightens me that we have people involved in medicine having fundamental
problems in designing IT systems. I spend my time here because it is
possible that I might help. There are many experts on here much better
qualified than me. I am just trying to lift some of the donkey work off of
their shoulders so that they can spend their time more productively.

And learn in the process.
Are you capable of learning, or are you going to wake up in 20 years time
and wonder what the consequences were of your "jolly japes"?

Sylvain Lafontaine

As far as I can remember, his first messages were amateurish but somewhat
legitimate. However, because they were amateurish (and probably the fruits
of a young person), someone took the liberty of insulting him; hence the
situation in which we are now.

Someone has to grow older here and I'm not speaking about you or about Randy
/ Steve or whatever.

David Cox

We all cursed to grow older, and wiser, and realise, and remember.

at the wrong moment small things have big effects.

To find an Undo button that works we need to find a different version of

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