Randomize and Rnd



Public Sub PlayHand(frm As Form, hc() As ACard, HandIdx As Integer)

Dim Card As ACard
Dim Pointer As Integer
Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To 5
HandIdx = HandIdx + 1
Card = DealOneCard(frm, hc(), HandIdx)
frm!imgHand(i).Picture = frm!imgCard(HandIdx)
Next i

End Sub

Public Function DealOneCard(frm As Form, hc() As ACard, Idx As Integer) As

Dim DealtCard As ACard
Dim Pointer As Integer
Dim i As Integer

' This function is called to replace each card that was NOT held when
playing a hand

Randomize Timer
Pointer = Int((DeckIdx * Rnd) + 1)
DealtCard = Deck(Pointer)
If Pointer < DeckIdx Then
Deck(Pointer) = Deck(DeckIdx)
End If
DeckIdx = DeckIdx - 1
hc(Idx).CardVal = DealtCard.CardVal
With hc(Idx)
Select Case Pointer
Case 1 To 13
.CardSuit = 1
Case 14 To 26
.CardSuit = 2
Case 27 To 39
.CardSuit = 3
Case 40 To 52
.CardSuit = 4
End Select
.CardImg = DealtCard.CardImg
End With
DealOneCard = hc(Idx)

End Function
I keep getting the same series of numbers. Am Baffled.


Hi Bart,

You've left out some code that is need to test the code you posted (ie.
"User-defined type not defined" error message when I attempt to compile your

You should be able to simply use Randomize instead of Randomize Timer.

I suggest adding the following statement, just after the assignment of
Debug.Print Rnd, Pointer

Is Pointer always the same value? What about Rnd? If you have not set a
value for DeckIdx, and it is zero, then Pointer should always be 1. Have you
used Option Explicit to require variable declaration?

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP


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