Random Number



I have a table with a field name of "NumberID". When a new record is
generated I want a random number to go into "NumberID". I just want the
number always to be less than 2 digits. So it could 1,01,2,02,etc all way up
to 99 but I do not want it to more than 2 digits. It does not matter if
there is duplicate values in the field.

Is there way to do this? Thanks for any help.


Excerpt from the MS Visual basic helpfile on the Rnd() funtion. (Randomize):

To produce random integers in a given range, use this formula:

Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound)

Here, upperbound is the highest number in the range, and lowerbound is the
lowest number in the range.


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