Random Beeping for no reason?



All of a sudden my computer which runs windows XP. Beeps for no reason at
all at various intervals. The beep is a single tone beep. No error message
follows, and is extremely obnoxious. This is while I am logged in to my
account. Any ideas?


First rule: A computer doesnt beep for no reason.

Ok, thats all the rules I know about.... but I have some questions.

What type of computer do you have?

Who manufactured you computer?

Do you have Administrator privileges?

Lastly, do you know how to access the CMOS/BIOS?

There should be at least one beep as the computer does a (POST) Power On
Self Test. From there it depends on who manufactured the motherboard to
determine the sorce of other beeps. Windows has its own set of beeps that
can sound very much like hardware beeps but the timing is different.

Please describe what your doing when it beeps.


Thanks for the speedy answer...couple of answes to your questions.
Its a PC Computer with windows XP. (Dont know the specs)
Dont know who manufactured it.
I have the administrator privileges.
And dont know how to access CMOS/BIOS

The beeps sounds similar to the beep you get when you are not supposed to do
something on the computer. The beep comes sometimes when I am sitting on the
couch away from the cimputer and other times when i am using the comuter
either surfing the web or using AIM Triton. Basically I do not have to be
doing anything to trigger the beeping. The timing of the beeps is long
(1-2min). Is a low tone beep as well.


is the beep from the speakers, or from "inside the box"? if the latter,
i'd suspect its some sort of warning about the fan speed or the
temperature. you'll need to get into the bios and inspect things, and open
up the box and inspect things.

sounds like you may need a neighborhood geek-kid to help you out! Good



Sorry I took so long.

I would need to know who the manufacturer is to find information on your
computer hardware. Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools >
System Information. A box should open that has all the information for your
system. I need the manufacturer and the BIOS version.
If you want you can click on and expand the Hardware Resources list and
click on Memory in that list. In the box that opens scroll all the way to
the right under status and tell me if they all say OK. Do the same for IRQs,
I/O and DMA.

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